Feel Empowered to Change Your Life
Counseling is one of the most powerful, intimate, challenging, and transformative experiences you will ever have.
“Really? Ever?”
Acknowledging that you’re stuck is courageous.
Confronting changes you need to make in your life, and working to get unstuck – that’s courage on steroids.
Let’s face it – working through anxiety, depression, and uncertainty gets messy and tough.
Counseling takes off the lid, exposes what’s not working, and demands our full attention. If it doesn’t, we probably aren’t doing it right!
When this happens, you may (understandably) want to quit. But…
You’re powerful, and you will make progress.
Your diligence will pay dividends.
Progress in counseling is typically visible to others in your life.
This will sometimes be met with their support. Other times, it may not.
As my client, you will never wonder if you have my support (spoiler – you do).
In my office, your courage will be applauded.
I will hold space where you are encouraged to be vulnerable and unsure of what’s next.
Working through these, we’ll create the forward motion you crave.
Your vulnerability will be revealed as the strength it truly is.
YOU are worth the investment.
Discover resources deep within, and emerge an evolved version of yourself.
Questions you’ve grappled with in the middle of the night will finally provide clear answers.
Learn and master tools to manage your emotions with deft precision.
Feel confident – perhaps for the first time. Your newfound confidence will give way to empowerment, and once you’re empowered…
Oh, mama – look out world!
I’m Elizabeth.
If you’ve ever felt simultaneously humbled and honored, you have an idea how I feel each time I join my clients in a counseling session.
Bearing witness to another person’s life experience – pain, joy, or something in between – is a profound privilege for me.
Professional counseling is my second career. After completing my undergrad in conservation biology from UW-Madison, I worked in a lab for several years. It was a job I genuinely enjoyed, but my priorities shifted once I had a toddler and new baby at home. Realizing I wanted to spend those first few year’s home with them was more than a pivotal moment.
Ultimately, it was the catalyst that propelled me into Professional Counseling.
A few years – and a lot of soul-searching – later, I understood what I loved about both my previous job and being home with my kiddos: helping others. I knew this had to be the central theme of my career going forward.
I undertook new training and began working (part-time) as a career/life coach. This ultimately led to graduate school at Lakeland College where I earned my Master’s degree in Professional Counseling. And culminated in my current private practice supporting individuals and couples through the all-but-certain challenges that life likes to throw our way.
I’m extremely grateful for the journey that brought me to this incredible profession and to the exceptional clients I’ve been privileged to serve. I cannot wait to meet my future clients and support their inevitable and inspiring transformations.
Outside of client sessions, you’ll probably find me walking my dog, trying new recipes, reading a book (OK – listening on Audible), or enjoying a cup of coffee with a friend. Coffee, in my opinion, should really be included as its own food group. 😉